Advanced Mail Reroute

Open Bugs: 
Development Status: 
Seeking co-maintainer(s)
Maintenance fixes only


Things left to do are:

* Fix all open issues

* Finish work on the D7 version of the module.

* Considering merging this module with the reroute email module, so the reroute module will have a basic tab for just turning rerouting on/off and an advanced tab which will have all the functionality of this module.

* Look at implementing additional features

Please contact me if you are interested.



IMPORTANT: Drupal 6 may still send emails which have been assigned the 'Block' rule. If this happens, use the 'Reroute' rule instead.


Block, Allow or Reroute E-mails based on the mail ID. Each mail ID rule can reroute to a primary or specific E-mail address.

The Advanced Mail Reroute module is very easy to use and is designed to be used on both development and production sites.

It is useful if:

* You are working on a production site and suddenly want to block automated E-mails being sent (e.g. newsletters) but want to still allow all other E-mails (i.e. New account creation and Password reset E-mails).

* You are working on a development site with a database from production and you want to block all automated E-mails being set to all site users, or reroute some or all types of E-mails to your own E-mail address.

* You are working on a development site and want to reroute E-mails to yourself, but sent some types of E-mails to other people to deal with.

Main Features:

* Automatically populates rule table as new Mail IDs are discovered

* Configurable default rule for each newly discovered Mail ID rule (Allow, Block, or Reroute)

* Has override functionality to Allow, Block, or Reroute all E-mails.

* Database log of all E-mails the site tries to send and what action was taken. (Can be turned off)

More complex rules will be added in the future. Feature requests are welcome.

Release Dates: 