Auto Assign Role

Open Bugs: 
Development Status: 
Seeking co-maintainer(s)
Under active development

The Auto Assign Role serves three primary purposes. The first is to provide an automatic assignment of roles when a new account is created. The second is to allow the end user the option of choosing their own role or roles when they create their account. The third is to provide paths that will trigger a specific role when an account is created. The administrator has full control over these functions and can have them working together or independently of each other. Auto Assign Role is integrated with the Content Profile module so that you can have content types serving as registration pages. You can even replace the default user/register page with a customized version of your own design.

Drupal 7

I'm starting d7 development so if you have an interest in participating at this stage you can begin by writing use cases for what the module should or should not do. Here are the ones that will need to be completed to reach a beta:


These are tickets that outline the functionality an administrator would use to configure auto assign role or the behind the scenes behavior we should expect.

Automatic role assignment

Automatic role assignment happens when a user account is created.

Allow user to Choose

Allowing a user to choose their own role exposes a set of form fields on the user registration form.

Assign from path

Assigning from path allows for any form that creates a user to automatically assign a custom set of roles to that user.

User creation

User creation can happen both from the web and programmatically.

Release Dates: 