Content Access

Open Bugs: 
Development Status: 
Seeking co-maintainer(s)
Maintenance fixes only

What is Content Access?

Yet another content access module.

This module allows you to manage permissions for content types by role and author. It allows you to specifiy custom view, edit and delete permissions for each content type. Optionally you can enable per content access settings, so you can customize the access for each content node.


  • It comes with sensible defaults, so you need not configure anything and everything stays working
  • It is as flexible as you want. It can work with per content type settings, per content node settings as well as with flexible Access Control Lists.
  • It tries to reuse existing functionality instead of reimplementing it. So one can install the ACL module and set per user access control settings per content node.
    Furthermore the module provides conditions and actions for workflow-ng / rules, which allows one to configure even rule-based access permissions.
  • It optimizes the written content node grants, so that only the really necessary grants are written. This is important for the performance of your site.
  • It takes access control as important as it is. E.g. the module has a bunch of simpletests to ensure everything is working right.

So the module is simple to use, but can be configured to provide really fine-grained permissions!

How To?


  • Content access makes use of Drupal's node access API. However, it's recommended to use only one module that does so. If you want or need to use multiple modules that make use of this API, please make sure you have a basic understanding of the API first, e.g. read more on node access here.
  • The Drupal 7 version of Content Access is not yet considered stable, please help testing the current version, and report any bugs at the issue queue.
Release Dates: 