Daily Twitter
Daily Twitter provides effectively the same kind of service that LoudTwitter does, except that it is managed within your own drupal site. What this amounts to is that, every day, Daily Twitter will pull a list of Twitter posts that a user has made, pull them together in a list, and post them as a blog entry to the user's Drupal blog.
The output looks something like this:
19:33 @ben_jamin_s =P see so what's the problem? #
19:33 @ajohnson1200 =P it's a face! #
10:47 I seem to be one of the few people that doesn't have a picture of myself as my icon on facebook. =) #
Above is a real example of the output, pulled from my own Twitter account. Any links in Twitter posts are automatically highlighted and made clickable, @references to other Twitter users are made into links, and the # symbol at the end is a direct link to the post itself. For now the format is strict, but a future goal of the module is to make the output format customizable.
Help Requested: Does anyone have any interest in helping out with this project or even taking it over entirely? I find that I rarely have any time to work on it these days. Please contact me if you are interested! - [email protected] (Note that this is not to say I won't ever be working on it, just would like some help if anyone is interested)