Provides a Views display, style and row plugin for displaying nodes using Adam Shaw's FullCalendar jQuery plugin.
There is a good deal of info in the issue queue, but if you're on IRC, come by the #drupal-fullcalendar channel and say hello!
As of 7.x-2.0-beta1, the Colorbox integration is part of the FullCalendar Options submodule.
Please remember to run update.php first, or clear all caches.
The FullCalendar Colors submodule requires the Colors API module. There is an upgrade path, be sure to run update.php and clear your caches.
Specifically, if you are using FullCalendar beta2, you must use Colors beta2.
The template files (*.tpl.php) have been removed, if you still wish to use those, please install FullCalendar Templates.
See the documentation for installation instructions.
See the documentation for usage information.
Maintainer and developer: tim.plunkett
Co-maintainer: aspilicious
Major contributors: aspilicious, redndahead, geerlingguy
The 6.x-1.x branch was originally written by ablondeau.