Geofield Yandex Maps
Open Bugs:
Development Status:
Seeking co-maintainer(s)
Under active development
Geofield widget, Geofield formatter, Views handler, Form element and Text filter with Yandex.Maps 2.1
Programmaticaly show map with marker
$map = array(
'#theme' => 'geofield_ymap',
'#map_type' => 'yandex#map', // optionaly, default 'yandex#map'
'#map_center' => array(37, 55), // optionaly, default auto centering
'#map_zoom' => 12, // optionaly, default auto zooming
'#map_auto_centering' => TRUE, // optionaly, default TRUE
'#map_objects' => '{"type":"Point","coordinates":[37.62817382812449,55.75485888286848]}', // GeoJSON, optionaly
$output = render($map);
Show map with marker via html (without php)
Add to node content:
<div class="geofield-ymap" data-map-objects='{"type":"Point","coordinates":[37,55]}'></div>
Enable setting "Use loader" on module settings page.
Usage form element
$form['location'] = array(
'#type' => 'geofield_ymap',
'#title' => 'Location',
'#description' => 'Select control and click to map for add object on map. Double click on object to remove it.',
'#map_multiple' => TRUE,
'#map_center' => array(55.733835, 37.588227),
'#map_zoom' => 12,
'#map_auto_centering' => TRUE,
'#map_object_types' => array('point', 'line', 'polygon'),
'#default_value' => '',
contains geometry in GeoJSON or json array of objects like [{"type":"Point","coordinates":[55,37]},{"type":"Point","coordinates":[37,55]}]
Add map with marker from Javascript
ymaps.ready(function () {
// for <div id="my-map" style="width:100%; height:400px;"></div>
var map = Drupal.geofieldYmap.mapInit('my-map', {
objects: '{"type":"Point","coordinates":[37.62,55.75]}',
auto_centering: true,
auto_zooming: true
before that do not forget add library:
drupal_add_library('geofield_ymap', 'geofield_ymap');
Release Dates: