
Open Bugs: 
Development Status: 
Seeking co-maintainer(s)
Under active development

Who should use this module

Drupal websites/communities that need to allow users registered in IPB to login in Drupal. The registration process and user management will still be handled by IP.Board.

How does it work

When a user wants to login using the standard Drupal login block/page, the system will first check for the provided username in the standard Drupal user table. If a match is found, the standars validation/authentication will be made. If the user is not found, the system will also check IP.Board for a matching member. If one is found, it will be automatically logged in in Drupal.

- if a user exists in IPB but not in Drupal, the user will be able to login on both systems

- If a user exists in Drupal but not in IPB, that user WILL NOT be available in IPB


Add the IPB database in your settings.php (there is an example in readme.txt), enable the module and forget about it. For now there is no config page in Drupal, but depending on the direction this module will take, a config page will probably be present at some point

You can also join IPB integration group on Drupal.org.

This project is sponsored by http://vamist.ro

Release Dates: 