Menu Views

Open Bugs: 
Development Status: 
Seeking co-maintainer(s)
Maintenance fixes only

Allows menu items to render views instead of links. This is useful for creating "mega-menus".

What Menu Views Does

Menu Views is a utility module. It provides back end support for replacing a standard menu item link with a menu item view. Menu items (in any menu) now have the option of toggling between two different menu item types: link or view. Depending on which option is selected, the appropriate configuration form is displayed on the admin side and the appropriate type of item is rendered on the front-end.

What Menu Views Does NOT Do

Menu Views is NOT a theming/styling module for mega-menus. As stated above, this module is strictly a utility module for replacing menu item link with a view. Once the HTML markup is there, Menu View's job is done! Read #1794010: Menu Views is not working

Depending on how a theme renders the primary and secondary navigation, this module may not work because the parent items may not ever be extended (regardless whether they are checked as such in the menu item). It is strongly recommended to use one of the following modules in your theme's menu region instead (see: Use menus in Drupal 7? You need Menu block module.).

Module Integration

Useful Modules


  • Permissions - Admins have the ability to grant select users with the ability to create or configure menu view items.
  • Breadcrumb Configuration - Display and configure the menu item's breadcrumb title and link.
  • Title Configuration - Display and configure the view's title.
  • Tokens - Pass tokens to the view's arguments or title. Use tokens in the menu item's breadcrumb title or path.


Official Documentation will be coming shortly. In the mean time, here are some articles that discuss mega-menus and Menu Views:

Common Mistakes

Below is a list of issues that have already been filed and answered:

Known Issues

Below are known issues and have already been addressed, please do no re-open if closed.


LevelTen Interactive This module is sponsored and developed by LevelTen Interactive. LevelTen is a full service interactive agency focused on building online brands by integrating digital strategy, Drupal development and internet marketing. For more information, please contact us, or feel free to connect on Twitter and Facebook.

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Release Dates: 