OGDI Field
Please note that this module is minimally maintained and seeking a co-maintainer
This module pulls in Open government data from a Microsoft Open Data server, via it's API and then outputs it to screen in a nicely formatted table and map.
An example can be seen here - http://www.datadotgc.ca/dataset/location_of_historic_buildings_in_edmonton
Here's the text from the README.txt file of the module
What is OGDI? - http://www.microsoft.com/industry/government/opengovdata/
Module development was sponsored by Microsoft Canada and Raised Eyebrow Web Studio (http://www.raisedeyebrow.com).
Module developed by Colin Calnan @ Raised Eyebrow Web Studio
The OGDI Field Module allows you to add a CCK field to any content type, which accepts a valid URL to a OGDI dataset as input, and outputs a slick, themed scrollable, filterable, sortable, searchable table and a map displaying that data. It does all this magic by communicating with the OGDI API.
This module was originally developed as an extension the DataDotGC.ca website, a citizen-led open government data portal for Canada. The site was built in Drupal and uses CKAN (the Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network) for cataloguing the data. When we became aware of Microsoft's open-source OGDI application, which allows users to browse & filter cloud-hosted datasets within an easy-to-use web interface, we wanted to integrate OGDI's functionality as well. Microsoft Canada generously sponsored the module development project, and we now have a method of displaying OGDI instances on Drupal-powered websites.