Render As

Open Bugs: 
Development Status: 
Seeking co-maintainer(s)
Under active development

The Render As module adds the ability for elements to be rendered as a specific user and/or role(s), which can be used for the purposes of testing how content will be seen by another user or a user or a particular role without having to change users.


How to use

The Render As API module is intended for developers, and can be used in two

different ways:

  1. #renderas parameter.

    Any element being passed through the render() or drupal_render() function that has a registered #type (markup, page, value, etc) will trigger the Render As behaviour if the #renderas parameter is present and keyed appropriated (see below).

    If the element is not a registered #type or has not #type you can still use the Render As beahviour by attaching the Render As #pre_render and #post_render callbacks along with the #renderas parameter:

    $element['#pre_render'][] = 'renderas_api_element_pre_render';
    $element['#post_render'][] = 'renderas_api_element_post_render';


  2. renderas()/drupal_renderas() function.

    Render As also comes with some wrapper functions for the standard render() and drupal_render() functions, being renderas() and drupal_renderas(). These functions take an additional argument, an array which contains the Render As parameter settings to be bound to the supplied element, keyed as below.

Render As parameter format:

The Render As parameter expects an array with one or both of the following keys:

  • uid: The user ID of the user to be used to render the element.
  • roles: A keyed array of roles to be used to render the element, where the key is the role ID.



The following will render the supplied element with user 0 (anonymous user) with the 'authenticated user' role applied to it.

  'uid' => 0,
  'roles' => array(
    2 => 'authenticated user',


Release Dates: 