Open Bugs: 
Development Status: 
Seeking co-maintainer(s)
Maintenance fixes only

This module provides developers with tools to deal with SASS/SCSS stylesheets. It uses phamlp as a base, but would be better if you used this updated version , PHP port of Haml and Sass, to compile SASS / SCSS files into CSS.

The process is entirely automated and does not require special access to the system, (i.e., can be used on minimal featured hosts).

The source files can be converted to CSS on every request (for active development) or can be generated once and included in the built in CSS aggregation (production mode).

Active Development: This project is currently under active development and will support first a Drupal 6 version and then a Drupal 7 version.

Alternative modules: There are other modules which attempt to provide the same functionality, however they seem to rely on having some sort of system command installed, which is not very friendly to limited access hosting environments, and have other limitations that are noted below.

  • SASS API only supports a single SASS file, no option to configure the path to the binary, and release version doesn't actually work.
  • Compass has a lot more features for dealing with CSS frameworks, and SASS support is a byproduct. The module requires you to install compass, and does not support multiple input and output files.

This module aims to bring portability and maintainability to CSS in Drupal.

Release Dates: 