Ubercart eWay Payment Gateway
Ubercart integration with the Australia payment gateway eWay, http://www.eway.com.au
Includes support for the eWay token API, eWay Beagle anti-fraud, recurring payments using uc_recurring and much much more!
NOTE: If you are using PHP 5.3 then please use the latest -dev release.
Drupal 7 version supports Ubercart 3.x and is under active development, stable enough for production use. Note that uc_recurring integration depends on these issues and patches:
#992252: uc_recurring Drupal 7 port
#1283482: Add cart and checkout panes to notify users if their cart/order has recurring products in it
Drupal 6 version supports Ubercart 2.x.
Drupal 5 version supports Ubercart 1.x is no longer maintained.
Recurring payments
If you want to use recurring payments functionality you will need:
* The UC Recurring module.
* The NuSOAP library: http://sourceforge.net/projects/nusoap
* The Libraries API module.
Setup instructions for this are in the README.txt file.
* Also, if you want notifications for when a customer's credit card will expire or be charged, check out the UC Recurring credit card notify module.
About the maintainers
This project is maintained by Agileware an Australian Drupal web development company, http://agileware.com.au. We have a great deal of experience in Drupal projects, module development, web design and support. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your Drupal project.
A note about support
Please direct all support/feature requests and bug reports to the issue queue. Do not contact Agileware directly as it is too hard to keep track of everything if it's not in the same place. Also, other people might have the same issue and will search the issue queue for help.