
Open Bugs: 
Development Status: 
Seeking co-maintainer(s)
Maintenance fixes only

The VerticalResponse module allows users to sign-up or subscribe to a VerticalResponse mailing list from a drupal node. The module also allows administrators to generate VerticalResponse e-mail newsletter campaigns using Drupal and the Basic E-news module.


  • Administrators can associate any single node with any number of VerticalResponse mailing lists.
  • The VerticalResponse module now includes a "campaign manager," which allows administrators to create and launch VerticalResponse e-mail campaigns from within Drupal.
  • Administrators can allow users to subscribe to mailing lists during the registration process.
  • Allows admins to map user properties to merge fields using a view.
  • Administrators can segment lists in Drupal.

Getting Started

  1. The VR module depends on the VerticalResponse API, so it must be enabled for your account.
  2. Download and install VerticalResponse module (see: Installing contributed modules).
  3. [optional but highly recommended]: Download and install Basic E-news and follow the setup instructions.
  4. Configure VerticalResponse module at

Allow users to opt-in to a VerticalResponse mailing list.

  1. Create a content type with which you want to describe your mailing list, or select a content type that already exists.
  2. Edit the content type selected in the previous step, and add a "VerticalResponse" field using CCK.
  3. Set the number of fields to allow users to sign up for more than one list at a time.
  4. Create a node of the selected content type, and select which list/lists you would like to enable for signup.

Allow users to opt-in to VerticalResponse mailing lists during user registration

  1. Enable the included "VerticalResponse User Registration" module
  2. Configure "VerticalResponse User Registration" module at

Create and Launch a VerticalResponse e-mail newsletter campaign.

  1. Download and install the Basic E-news module.
  2. Create a newsletter content type
  3. Enable the included "VerticalResponse Campaign Manager" module.
  4. Configure the "VerticalResponse Campaign Manager" module at:
  5. Create a "newsletter" node using the node type from step 2.
  6. Click the "Newsletter" tab for VerticalResponse Campaign options.


There is a silent and brief screencast that demonstates some of the VerticalResponse module's features.

VerticalResponse module development is sponsored by Message Agency.

Release Dates: 