Views custom template

Open Bugs: 
Development Status: 
Seeking co-maintainer(s)
Maintenance fixes only

Version 7.x-1.0 is deprecated in favor of version 7.x-2.0

What is Views custom template?

Views custom template allows you to add a template suggestion for view displays, rows and fields so you can re-use one template for multiple views

This allows you to create and reuse a single template. Instead of copying (and duplicating) a template, stay DRY.

Version 7.x-2.0

See documentation

Version 7.x-1.0

The module extends the Views Fields display, so you can still assign fields and alter them using standard Views options: links, labels, booleans etc. The resulting template will have a $content variable available that contains an object with the mapped fields by field name.

Template function

Views resolves which template to use via theme hooks. This module adds 1 theme hook that starts with custom_template__. You don't include that part in the Template function field. The template file will have to include that part though:

  • Template function: event_block
  • Preprocessors: hook_custom_template and hook_custom_template__event_block
  • Template file: custom-template--event-block.tpl.php

Field name mapping

Since several Views and Views displays can end up in a single template, it might contain different field names. (It might even contain different fields.) Instead of coding inside the template, or having a huge row preprocessor, this module allows for field name mapping. You can specify the target name for every field, so that the template can depend on predictable field names.

Release Dates: 