VT Commerce Image
This module will format any image field into a field displaying one large image with several small images underneath.
The module also implements jQuery zooming for the large image and small images.
Module status:
Working with updated scripts, new GUI configuration and support for colorbox module.
Currently all thumbnail made from jQuery clone. The goal is to minimize server hit.
How you can help :
1. Create how to documentation.
3. testing for bugs.
New Features planned :
1. thumbnail slider, with prev and next button
2. main image change animation, exploding animation or slide animation?
Part of VTCart distribution plan.
Courtesy of VicTheme.com
Version 2.0 battle plan
Since VicTheme.com doesn't continue the sponsor for 2.0 version,
If you are interested please sponsor this project via http://vtcimage.chipin.com/vt-commerce-image-ver-20
Chipin Closed now. Interested party for sponsor please contact me directly.
Proposed plan for 2.0 version :
1. Integrate jQueryUI for animation.
2. better image size management
3. more theme provided such as thumbnail image on left / right side
you can also post in the issue queue for features that you wanted to be included in 2.0 version
Demo site removed. I have no resources to keep it update and spam free. If you installed this module and want to provide demo site, please let me know.