Webform CiviCRM Integration
Open Bugs:
Development Status:
Seeking co-maintainer(s)
Under active development
This project brings the power and flexibility of Drupal Webforms to the CiviCRM community, allowing for tighter integration of your Website and CRM database. This module can link any webform with CiviCRM, creating and updating contacts, group subscriptions, tags, relationships, cases, activities and event participants.
A CiviCRM-enabled webform can work as both a front-end interface for users to enter their own contact info, and as a back-end setup for staff to add/edit contacts, cases and activities.
As this project continues to grow in features and popularity, co-maintainers would be welcomed.
Common Uses
- Application, enrollment, sign-up & opt-in forms
- Information & support requests
- Event registration & RSVP forms
- Submission forms for articles, petitions, etc.
- Any form requiring more power, ease-of-use, or flexibility than offered by CiviCRM's native profiles and form snippets.
What it does
- Adds CiviCRM fields of your choosing to a webform.
- Supports contact fields (multiple contacts and contact types are supported), address, phone, email, website, activity, case, relationships, groups, tags, event participants, and custom data.
- Can auto-fill forms for logged in users or anonymous users following a personalized link from CiviMail.
- Display a personalized message to known contacts viewing the form.
- Webforms can contain a mix of CRM and "regular" webform fields.
- CRM fields have all the advantages and features of other webform fields.
Version Compatibility
This Module | Drupal | Webform | CiviCRM |
2.0-2.3 | 6.x-7.x | 3.x | 3.4 - 4.0 |
2.4-2.7 | 6.x-7.x | 3.x | 4.1 - 4.3 |
3.x | 7.x | 3.x | 4.1 - 4.3 |
4.x | 7.x | 4.x | 4.4 |
- Webforms display as standalone Drupal pages or blocks. They are not CiviCRM profiles and cannot be inserted into standard CiviCRM workflows.
- Currently not compatible with the form_builder_webform or webform_alt_ui modules (form_builder and options_element modules are ok though).
Also Works Nicely With
- Webform Layout for making your webforms pretty
- Webform Conditional Fields for making your webforms interactive
- Webform HTML Textarea provides a WYSIWYG field to better represent some CiviCRM fields such as notes
- Node Clone so you don't have to create new webforms from scratch
Written and maintained by Coleman Watts
Sponsored by the Woolman Semester School: Progressive, Experiential Education for High School students.
Release Dates: