Organic Groups Menu (OG Menu)
Associate menus with Organic Groups.
- create one or more menus per Organic Group
- configure and apply menu permissions in a group context
- add/edit menu links directly from the entity (node) form
- provides single menu and multiple menu blocks
- OG Menu : single will display the first available menu for the first available group in the context.
- OG Menu : multiple will display all available menus for all available groups in the context.
- administer menus directly from within the group, or from a global admin page
- Use the "OG Menu Default Links" submodule to add default links to groups menus
Version 7.x-3.x (compatible with Organic groups 7.x-2.x)
Recommended for new projects
There is an upgrade path from OG Menu 7.x-2.x. Please make sure you update all related modules first and dont forget to backup.
This release is currently maintained by rv0, sponsored by Coworks
Version 7.x-2.x (compatible with Organic groups 7.x-1.x)
Adoption of the D6 2.4 release, keeping entities in mind and adding extra functionality and bugfixes.
Still supported, but not recommended for new projects. Bugfixes only
There is no upgrade path from D6. We will gladly accept patches for it.
Chime in here:
#1538556: Upgrade path from Drupal 6
For users of panels, there's a CTools content type available in the following patch:
#1274250: Provide ctools content type for OG Menu
If enough people show interest, and this feature is properly tested, the code will be included in OG Menu.
This release is currently maintained by rv0, sponsored by Coworks
Version 6.x-2.x
This version is minimally maintained. There is no further development on this version.
Patches will be committed by the current maintainers after community testing.
Please check this list of open issues before creating a new issue.
Version 5.x-1.x
This version is not maintained anymore. It is here in case someone is interested, but it is not supported.