Earth Hour
#D7AX - I pledge to make this module as accessible as it can be. If you find any flaws, please submit an issue. Help me fix them if you can.
Share your concern for the environment by shutting down your website for an hour in conjunction with the annual observance of Earth Hour.
The module counts down to Earth Hour, displays how many other sites are using this module, and shares the link to with your visitors.
I was inspired to create this module by @haggaret who asked on Twitter for a Drupal version of the plugin for @bravenewcode's Earth Hour WordPress Plugin. It looked pretty simple to construct and I had never done a Word Press to Drupal port, so I decided to take it on.
After the module is installed and enabled you can add the Earth Hour block to your website's footer and your site will display a banner at the top that shows others that you support the Earth Hour initiative. It also counts how many other Drupal sites in the world are also supporting Earth Hour.
At 8:30pm local time on the last Saturday in March, the Earth Hour module will temporarily disable your site for the hour, showing instead a message of solidarity.
We’re hoping our combined efforts in the Drupal community will positively contribute to a greater awareness of our environment and individual responsibility for it.
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