Extended search page

Open Bugs: 
Development Status: 
Seeking co-maintainer(s)
Maintenance fixes only

Part of Ouch project.

The goal is to provide a page like the default "Find content" but on top of scalable technology for sites with huge amounts of nodes.

So this module support solr and mysql through Search API and uses entity metadata to discover objects fields.

The module uses the search api pages :

Features :

- fulltext index are searched through a text input

- non fulltext index can be used as filters (like in the content page) in the search page form

- you can choose a form widget for each filter

- you can specify default value for filters (even if filter is not displayed)

- each search page can have a dedicated search form block

- thoses widgets are shown in the search page and managed by URL (vs session for SEO)

- suported fields : boolean, date with date_range, taxonomy_term_reference (term select or auto completion)

- widgets support can be extended by a hook

The module bundles 2 related modules :

- Extended Search Admin :

Replace the default content admin overview with an extended search page.

Basically the module adds fulltext capabilty to the default content admin form.

The module uses the search api and the extended search page. You can customize headers.

- Extended Search Node Reference

Add a new widget to node_reference wich links with a node based search page.

So you can use the search api to select nodes for nod_reference fields.

Features : autocomplete widget

Release Dates: 