Integration API for the french Paybox online payment service
This module offers a function which will return the path and query to the payment page: paybox_pay($cents, $order_id, $payer_email, $destination = '', $devise = 'euro')
The returned array can be used as $form_state['redirect']
in a form submit function.
It also provides a hook to manage payment status (currently no public key verification though, so that only info from is fully reliable).
See the README file to know how to use it.
D6 branch is stable enough to be used in production. Feel free to help make it better (languages handling, more parameters,...).
Drupal 5 branch was originally created by jfberroyer, currently unmaintained.
Drupal 6 branch is a complete rewrite, based on uc_paybox code by mogtofu33.
Drupal 7 branch is an upgrade of Drupal 6 version.